“If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” John 7:37-39.
So often I see Christians living a half-full life; a life that is depleted of God’s best intention – abundant life.
I’m reading The Forgotten God by Francis Chan. I must say it’s speaking to me in deep ways.
The Holy Spirit is our main topic this Sunday and I was thinking along the same lines as this book concerning how often we neglect the Holy Spirit in our walk with God. We have Jesus, we have the Father, what else do we need?
We need the Holy Spirit!
Think about it – the Holy Spirit is God in You. He’s not there to condemn you, to hurt you, to lead you astray or embarrass you – He’s there to convict you, the lead you into Truth, and to empower your life.
Jesus told the disciples it was GOOD that He left so the Holy Spirit would come (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit was THAT important for them that He said I’m leaving and it’s a good thing for you!
I imagine the disciples felt Jesus was way off base here. They were loving their time with Jesus, watching Him do the things He did, raise the dead, lift up the downtrodden, heal the sick, and speak confidently and boldly concerning the Kingdom of God. Why would they want Him to leave?
Yet when they finally did receive the Holy Spirit – we see from the book of Acts they started doing those very same things. Why? Because the Holy Spirit – or Third person of the Trinity – was dwelling in them, empowering them and working through them for God’s glory.
And I have to ask – are you ignoring this incredible possibility in your life? Are you living half-empty with God?
Your life can be FULL, and FULL OF GOD! The Bible says, “Be FILLED with the SPIRIT.” Eph 5:18. Right now, right where you are – ask the Father to fill you with the Holy Spirit, to empower your life, and then receive it by faith. God wants to LIVE in and through YOU. Believe it! There’s nothing better.