You can’t live on empty.

It is possible to have everything, yet have nothing at all. We tend to chase the next great thing hoping that once we have it, we will finally achieve the happiness our heart longs for. We keep believing that life will be fulfilling when we obtain certain objects, relationships, or achievements.

Yet happiness becomes an ever-moving target that never seems to arrive. We get up, we work, we go to bed, and we start all over again. What’s it all for? At some point, we must realize that our emptiness runs deeper than merely needing to add something else to our lives.

In this encouraging, challenging book, Pastor Tim candidly explores Ecclesiastes and the life of Solomon to reveal how to:

  • Recognize the reality of life without God
  • Live in the moments between the wows and the whys of life
  • Overcome the most typical work hazards
  • Pursue long-term living every single day
  • Face the unpleasant circumstances and difficult people in your life
  • View life in a balanced way and maximize contentment

At the end of each chapter, application-focused questions, journal prompts, and suggested action steps will guide you in finding a fulfilling life with God.

The God who is above all things has created you to live a life that is abundantly full in Him. When your life is in the hands of the Creator, you are empowered to embrace and enjoy it. Now is your season for Ending Emptiness and learning how to experience the One who truly fills our lives.

Available in Kindle, Nook, and Paperback!


You can’t stay where you are, so the question is, “do you know where you’re going?”

Depending on where your “here” is, that might be good news or bad news. Change can leave you breathless with anticipation or doubled over with dread, but refusing to move at all results in missing the growth, opportunities, and joy that God desires to give you. Are you ready to learn the mindsets and principles necessary to move forward proactively and positively?

In this practical, uplifting book, Pastor Tim draws on the lives of Joshua and Caleb, Israelite heroes of the Bible, to reveal how to:

  • Differentiate between your dreams and your opportunities
  • Stop settling for the “good life” and seek God’s presence and plan
  • Be a good news Christian in a bad news world
  • Allow God to work in you so you are prepared for what He desires to do with you
  • Live in the acceptance and approval that is yours in Christ

At the end of each chapter, application-focused questions and suggested action steps will guide you in personalizing the truths you’re learning.

Move! Is about entering into God’s promises for you and developing a “movement mindset”. Moving with God requires strength. It requires you to embrace obstacles, to be dissatisfied with the status quo, to be different from those around you, to be flexible in what God has for your life, to be encouraged that God is with you, and to be crazy as you live as one approved by God. We have a great God and can have a great future!

The best is yet to come.


“I finished your book Move and I have to say from the prologue and the first chapter about being opportunistic it was transformative for a very important life decision.

Without filling in all the details; before reading your book I was in a place mentally, emotionally and nearly literally ready to leave my job.  There are a number of reasons for this but part of it was feeling spread too thin at work, feeling slightly under appreciated and a sense of “mystery” as to where the company was going since so many people have left our company over the past few months. A part of me knew deep down inside that I was longing for something that would not be fulfilled by just getting a new job but it was masked in more vacation time, a higher pay and other benefits. I feel strongly in my core that I want to fight for Jesus in a bold way and allow Him to run my entire life and have asked Him for opportunities to do this; sometimes I jumped into things I wasn’t prepared for Christ and I suffered the consequences.

But when I read the beginning of your book I was convicted deeply by the line on page 19 of the chapter 1 manuscript; “…A life spent moving forward with Christ isn’t about waiting for the perfect opportunity. It’s about taking the one that’s right in front of you.”

And in that moment I felt in the Spirit this sense of how can you fight for Jesus and step into what He wants you to do for His Kingdom when you can’t fight for yourself in a respectful and loving way? It’s just a silly job and you are afraid to speak up, so how can you speak up for something far more serious in Christ? Running away from the job won’t solve anything, you will have to grow in this fear at some point. 

The opportunity was in front of me, there was an obstacle I was trying to avoid as I don’t like confrontational type conversations with my superiors. But I knew in that moment I had to do it.

I opened up with my manager about wanting to leave and why, he elevated it to the head of our company who met with me also and they poured into me how much they valued me and why they want me to stay and added an even higher raise to my salary than I initially got in January. In addition, they are working on a new structure for vacation time to increase those for all employees and canceled a week-long work trip I was supposed to go on this month so I wouldn’t have to be away from my family. 

I don’t know what will come from my current job, those were amazing blessings God gifted me with, but I am far more thankful for how He humbled me to trust Him when I didn’t want to and He added to my character of shaping me more like Christ through it: A humility of surrendering to what God wants me to do instead of my own fearful desires. 

Thank-you Pastor Tim for listening to the Holy Spirit to write and for faithfully living up to the Scriptures of taking it seriously to train men in the faith.”

-J, Move! reader

For Someone Feeling Stuck in a Rut

I was in a rut. I did not know it or recognize it. While reading this book my family was asked to go, to literally move out of state for something God had planned for us. This book dovetailed with everything going on in my mind and heart. It was timely, like an encouraging letter from a close friend who had written to inpsire me to Move in faith and with hope, a friend who had witnessed God’s goodness from the other side of a seemingly crazy circumstance. If you feel like you’re running through the motions, if you feel like God has something larger for you to join in on, then this book will give you the tools to press on and press into your God given task on Earth.

-J, Move! reader

An inspiring, yet practical, JUMP START!!!

When I started reading this book, I felt like the author was speaking directly to me. My life is currently at an intersection and I have been stuck at a stop sign scared to take my foot off of the brake. But after finishing this book, I felt inspired by the stories of Joshua and Caleb to take my foot off the break and move towards a more gospel shaped life centered around a relationship with my Father in Heaven who knows the right path for me. One of the most memorable quotes from the book was “Success on the field of life is about moving, adapting, and never allowing this moment to freeze your spirit and your heart in time. You can’t stay here.” This book not only inspires movement and change, but it also prepares you for what it will be like moving with God. If you are like me and feel stuck or frozen in what your next path will be, I suggest picking up this book and using the practical applications inside to help guide you through your next MOVE!

-T, Move! reader

“Loved it! Quick read. The action steps at the end of each chapter make it perfect for a book club. I believe it’s an important message for all generations! I felt encouraged by the line “ You are the right person with the right spirit to go on a specific journey, impact certain people and leave behind an important and unique legacy” Powerful! My favorite Movement Mindset is, Be Crazy! The takeaway away from that one is from now on when people tell me I’m crazy for my beliefs or the way I’m living for the Lord my response will be, No I am “passionately preoccupied!””

-N, Move! reader

“I have always been one who likes being in my comfort zone.  This book lets you know not only is it not a good way to live, it’s really not possible.  The world is moving fast and our comfort zones are also moving.

This book is truly Gospel based.  I especially liked where the author said “God doesn’t love you the way you are, He loves you in spite of the way you are” This made me believe I’m worth something to God.

The author is self effacing and does not try to impress the reader with large seldom used words.  He keeps it simple and to the point.  He doesn’t try to go so deep into an area that you loose it.  He keeps is simple and unpacks scripture in a way that makes sense in today’s world. I would recommend it to everyone!” 

-L, Move! reader

I have had the pleasure to know and watch Tim move with God throughout his entire pastoral life. Everything he teaches and preaches points to Jesus and to Him only.  Tim has humbly taken a small group of believers from a living room in a cold New England town and over the course of 18 years continue to move, reach and teach more people with the good news of Jesus Christ. What started as a handful, grew to dozens, to hundreds, to thousands and now through digital ministries has reached tens of thousands across the globe.

With Tim’s new book Move, his writing, like his preaching unpacks scripture providing incredible depth and insight into the lives of great characters of the Bible and God’s Word. Move helps to take stories about people who moved with God from thousands of years ago (Moses, Jacob & Caleb) and bring them to life with relevant teaching that you can apply to your life today. And with study guide questions, journal entries and actions items at the end of each chapter, Move will inspire you to move and grow with God in ways that are beyond your wildest dreams. I encourage anyone and everyone to read Move and to start moving your life into God’s promises that he has planned just for you.”

-B, Move! reader





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