One of the most incriminating statements I ever heard from an atheist goes like this: “If Christians really believe the Bible is ‘God’s Word’, why don’t they read it all the time?

My sentiment exactly.

Let’s get serious about some serious Truth!

It’s a New Year and a New Opportunity to commit to some change regarding your diet, your figure, your habits, or your vices.

Instead of another “temporary” fix for your body, your relationships, or your looks, I want to give you a great resolution suggestion:

Get through the Bible in 2010.

As I shared on Sunday, has new reading plans available to keep you on pace to make this year the year you read the whole Bible. The best part is you can sync it with your smart phone or iPhone and keep up to date on the train, in the waiting room, or . . . in the “throne” room (if you know what I mean.)

  • Instead of playing some mindless game when you need to wait for your wife/husband to get the milk and bread at the grocery store, log on and read!
  • Instead of reading “Country Living” at the Dentist office, log on and read!
  • Instead of grabbing the iPod for some tunes on the exercise bike – log on and read!

Check out: THIS PAGE and select your plan now. 2 more days and you’ll be well on your way. You can take it easy and get through once in 365 days or you can B90X it . . . and blast, blast, BLAST your way to a fitter and trimmer spiritual walk!

I’d love to hear about your decision and I’ll let you know I’m going for this plan!

Happy New Year!