About This Project

What can Christians learn from Pastor Tim Keller and Tech Guru Elon Musk?

Pastor Tim Keller now rests in glory. We will examine his tremendous influence on both the Church and the world– as well as his impact on my life.

Then, Elon Musk compares George Soros to Magneto and the media lose their minds.

We have shocking evidence that the Southern Baptist Convention is going semi-woke. And, we answer the question, “Should married gay people who become saved get divorced?”

Woke Capitalism, what is it? I share with you the behind-the-scenes elements who are working together to push all of this crazy woke nonsense on our culture from the halls of government to the entertainment industry to the sports stadiums and to the universities.

Plus, Florida is now dangerous for African American people to visit. The NAACP has just issued a travel warning to blacks to not travel to Florida. What’s really going on? I live here and will reveal the truth!

It’s bizarro world every day! 🤡


This channel is dedicated to helping Christians remember they AREN’T FREAKING CRAZY!



✅ Be part of sharing The Truth! https://timhatchlive.com/support/ OR on the Cash App with cashtag: $timhatchlive


✳ Timhatchlive is on RUMBLE:  timhatchlive.com/rumble



Start [0:00]
▶ Pastor Tim Hatch reveals how Pastor Timothy Keller profoundly impacted his life [1:50]
▶ Pastor Tim Hatch recommends books by Pastor Timothy Keller [6:23]
▶ How did Pastor Tim Keller react to being diagnosed with cancer? [7:20]
▶ Should pastors and the Church ignore culture? [8:00]
▶ Why is reaching the city for Christ so important? [8:33]
▶ Who is one behind much of what we see happening in culture and our Country? [10:50]
▶ Elon Musk says Soros reminds him of Magneto to CNBC reporter [14:05]
▶ USPS has stopped delivering mail to city in Seattle [19:25]
▶ Bat Man of the city of Seattle [20:07]
▶ San Francisco is losing businesses due to homelessness and drugs [21:00]
▶ Seattle homeless committee co-chair says sex offenders, pedophiles deserve housing, should be on housing board [23:00]
▶ How does the media demonize safe places to live? [26:10]
▶ Why did the NAACP issue travel advisory for Florida claiming it has become hostile to black Americans? [26:26]
▶ Pastor reveals what it is really like to live in Florida? [31:38]
▶ How is the SBC Southern Baptist Convention going semi-woke? [32:31]
▶ Pastor Rebukes SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Minister Rachel Gilson: gay people can stay married because God hates divorce [32:55]
▶ Pastor explains should married Gay people get divorced when they become saved? [37:00]
▶ Pastor Rebukes SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Minister Rachel Gilson: lust does not hold you back from God? [37:50]
▶ How can Tim Keller and Elon Musk inspire Christians to stand for what they believe? [38:55]
▶ Why do companies go woke in their advertising? [41:06]
▶ Revealed how Woke Capitalism is invading America [42:30]
▶ What is the Woke Mind Virus: Deep State explained? [47:15]
▶ How can the Woke Mind Virus be cured? [48:00]
▶ Pastor predicts the future of the evangelical church [48:26]
▶ Dodgers reinstates and apologizes to Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence Drag Queens for Pride Night [49:33]
▶ What is the Viewpoint Diversity Index and how does it show companies threaten the fundamental freedoms of Americans? [50:50]
▶ Pastor recommends movie Sound of Freedom with Jim Caviezel [53:05]
▶ 85,000 unaccompanied migrant children have been lost by the Federal Government [53:45]



Psalm 139:13–18 (ESV) For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. 16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them. 17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! 18 If I would count them, they are more than the sand. I awake, and I am still with you.


Points to Note:

“It is endlessly comforting to have a God who is both infinitely more wise and more loving than I am. He has plenty of good reasons for everything he does and allows that I cannot know, and therein is my hope and strength.” – Tim Keller, 2021


JUST SPEAK THE TRUTH: Stop changing how we address sin because the culture is comfy with that sin.



  • Government influenced.
  • University indoctrinated.
  • Corporate alignment.
  • Last man standing: Biblical Christianity


Pastoral Thoughts:

  1. Be ready to see Jesus.
  2. As the city goes, so goes the suburbs.
  3. When the Church goes woke, they become a salt-less joke.
  4. Christians must run from the ideas of wokeness.
  5. You cannot be a Christian and semi-woke.
  6. You must test everything against Scripture.


Questions to Consider:

  1. If something happened, are you ready to see Jesus?
  2. Why is reaching the city for Christ so important?
  3. Examine your walk. Are you allowing any “woke” ideologies into your life?
  4. Are you regularly attending a Gospel preaching Bible-believing church?
  5. Have you fully surrendered your life to Christ?
  6. Are you regularly practicing prayer and fasting and asking the Lord to pour out His Spirit one more time?



👏👏👏Pastor Tim Recommends👏👏👏

  • The Deep End George Soros: Trump behind bars while real felons walk the streets? Inclusivity is a lie and the non-binary bison https://youtube.com/live/jyXNtZITKRM
  • Counterfeit Gods by Timothy Keller ASIN:B002TNGBJ0
  • The Reason for God by Timothy Keller ASIN:B000XPNUZE
  • Center Church by Timothy Keller ASIN:B005JSGB5Q
  • Movie: Sound of Freedom https://youtu.be/hyyyKcfJRGQ


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Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:

🎙 The Deep End is a weekly live podcast diving deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in
📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible study on Romans
❓ 10 Questions with Tim live Q&A segment with theological answers to the real struggles
👉 “Ask Us Anything” Text 508-316-9333 or email ask@timhatchlive.com 😊


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2023, The Deep End
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