S5•E13 | Romans 6 | Our Slavery and the Human Will

About This Project

Today is an import study on bondage and the human will. The real question is, “Whose slave are you?” Romans 6:17 says once you were slaves of sin while Romans 6:18 says, once you accept Christ, you become slaves of righteousness. The Truth is, YOU do not have FREE WILL.

Why does it matter? There is SOMEONE behind the stupid decisions we make. Who is the ONE PERSON you do not want to let down? Who is the ONE PERSON you are trying to get approval from?



❌ You are not FREE TO SIN.

✅ You are FREE FROM SIN.

❌ You are not FREE to do what you WANT.

✅ You are FREE to do what God MADE YOU TO DO.


Whether you realize it or not: You are right now becoming more of something. And God has given His people the power to become more like Him!


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Scriptures Studied: Romans 6; Romans 5:19; Proverbs 10:25; Judges 16:21-22; Judges 14: 1-2; Judges 14:5; Exodus 19:4-5;  John 8:31–32


Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:
  • 🎙 The Deep End is a weekly live podcast diving deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in so we can live life with more meaning and less freaking out. Live on Tuesday nights at 7:30 EST or on your favorite podcast app anytime.
  • 📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible devotional study to help refocus your week and purpose as a child of God. The book of Romans, live on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 EST.
  • ❓ 10 Questions with Tim is a question and answer segment that provides theological answers to the real struggles all Christians face. Live First Thursdays at Noon EST.


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Deep Dive Bible Study, Romans
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