Part 22 | Romans 11:17-36 – Grafted in by Grace

About This Project

The Church is the beneficiary of all that God has done and promised to and for Israel. If your Bible study does not produce a reverence for God and gratitude toward Him – you are studying it wrong!

History is working according to God’s plan.
1. God’s promises remain sure.
2. God’s power to save overcomes man’s rejection.
3. God’s people will be instrumental in the cosmic calendar of events.

Jewish Rejection ⏭ Gentile Inclusion ⏭ Jewish Inclusion.

Salvation: a free gift of God based on NO merits and producing NO boasting among the recipients.



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Episode Segments:
▶ Explained What Romans 11 Bible Verse Meant [1:37]
▶ Explained What Romans 11 Bible Verse Means [39:40]
▶ Explained Why Romans 11 Bible Verse Matters [45:10]


Romans 11:17-20 But if some of the branches were broken off, and you, although a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree, do not be arrogant toward the branches. If you are, remember it is not you who support the root, but the root that supports you. Then you will say, “Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in.” That is true. They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith. So do not become proud, but fear.


Scriptures Studied: Romans 11:17-36, Matthew 21:43-46, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Ephesians 2:11-13, Romans 1:16-17,

Points to Note:

  • Antisemitism is demonic and evil. 💯💯
  • “In exceptional circumstances … it is customary to reinvigorate an olive tree which is ceasing to bear fruit by grafting it with a shoot of the wild-olive, so that the sap of the tree ennobles this wild shoot and the tree now again begins to bear fruit.” (John Stott, The Message of Romans)


What we MUST know about Israel:
#1 God’s covenants remain in tact.
#2 Not all Israel is Israel.
#3 Israel’s hardening is being used to save the Gentiles.
#4 The law became an idol in Israel.
#5 God has remnant of Israel now saved by grace.
#6 God has a plan in store for Israel in the future.


God Has Four Covenants with Israel:
#1 Abrahamic (Great nation-blessing the nations)
#2 Mosaic (Law/Blessing/Cursing)
#3 Land (Gen 13: 14-15; Deuteronomy 30)
#3 Davidic (King forever over all).
#4 Jeremiah (New heart of flesh).


Romans 9-11 OUTLINE:

  1. Romans 9 | Israel’s past election.
  2. Romans 10 | Israel’s present rejection.
  3. Romans 11 | Israel’s future restoration.


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The Fastest Way to Get Disappointed with God, The Most Misinterpreted Bible Verses Explained



Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:
  • 🎙 The Deep End is a weekly live podcast diving deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in so we can live life with more meaning and less freaking out. Live on Tuesday nights at 7:30 EST or on your favorite podcast app anytime.
  • 📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible devotional study to help refocus your week and purpose as a child of God. The book of Romans, live on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 EST.
  • ❓ 10 Questions with Tim is a question and answer segment that provides theological answers to the real struggles all Christians face. Live First Thursdays at Noon EST.


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🔵 TIKTOK: @timhatchlive
Deep Dive Bible Study, Romans
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