They Have Been Lying to You About Climate Change for Decades, Joe Biden Endorses the Deep End, & Your Vax Status Is Required for Family Holidays?

About This Project

Have you lost a once-close relationship because of the politicization of the COVID Pandemic? There is a pandemic within the Pandemic: the pandemic of division.

As a Christian, you are going to have enemies in this world—it’s important to make sure you have the right ones.


Episode Segments:
▶ Your VAX Status is Required for Family Holidays [2:46]
▶ Biden Endorses The Deep End [19:11]
▶ They’ve Been Lying to You About Climate Change for Decades [23:52]


Proverbs 6:16-19 There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: … one who sows discord among brothers.

Discord brings exactly what the Enemy wants for your life: Isolation. You can’t fight the devil alone; you need a brother or sister in arms to fight, pray, and go into battle alongside you.


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GOD is the ONLY ONE who RIGHTEOUSLY DIVIDES humanity. For the Christian with faith in the calendar that God has established, there is no fear. Why? Because God is sovereign.

You can obtain a peace with God that surpasses all other things in this world.


Recognize the Following: Proverbs 6:16-19; Luke 6:26; Matthew 10:34-39; Matthew 25:31-34; Genesis 11; 2 Peter 3:10-14


Recognize the Following:

  • GOD is the ONLY ONE who RIGHTEOUSLY DIVIDES humanity.
  • There is such a thing as climate change and there is such a thing as a cataclysmic disaster that our universe is headed for—only it’s not caused by us. It’s caused by God.  Read 2 Peter 3:10-13. On the day of God the heavens will be set on fire and dissolved and the heavenly bodies will melt as they burn!
  • This climate alarmism ideology is also going to divide the church.  It is a fools errand to think that we little itsy bitsy humans can stop what God has already put on the calendar in the Scriptures. This is a wake-up call to our faith. This is a wake up call to our spirits to be a people of God who are holy and righteous who hasten That Day.  How do we hasten? We share our faith, we spread the Gospel because when the last person hears the Gospel, Jesus is coming!


News Links:

(1) Jim Breuer- starting to catch on yet? Turn the circus off or at least know you’re watching one…

(2) Nearly two-thirds of vaccinated Americans ban unvaccinated family from their holiday gatherings

(3) 5,000 Women and Counting: Which Celeb Is the Biggest Studmuffin?

(4) KISS’s Gene Simmons To Anti-Vaxxers, Unvaccinated ‘You Are An Enemy’

(5) Biden undermines his own administration by expressing shock at gas prices: ‘Did you ever think you’d pay so much?’ 

(6) Public Favors Republicans In Congress By Largest Measure In Over 40 Years As Biden Approval Hits New Low

(7) Psaki on skyrocketing gas prices: “Our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes an even stronger case for doubling down our investment and our focus on clean energy options.”

(8) FOE OF POLLUTION SEES LACK OF TIME; Asserts Environmental Ills Outrun Public Concern

(9) ‘Already Too Late’ Dire Famine Forecast by ’75

(10) Scientist predicts a new ice age by 21st century

(11) Why Antarctica will soon be the <i>only</i> place to live – literally

(12) Ice-free Arctic in two years heralds methane catastrophe – scientist

(13) UN at COP26: “Enough of mining…we are digging our own graves”

(14) 70% of Americans experiencing climate change anxiety: Survey

(15) Climate change fears put young couples off having children, YouGov poll shows

(16) Global Population Density

(17) The climate summit’s own carbon footprint will be substantial, a report says


New Offerings:

  • 🆕 10 Questions with Tim first Thursdays at noon. Send your questions to or post your question in the comments below.
  • 🆕  Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]



2021, The Deep End
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