Okay, we started the “Game of Life” this week and a fresh look at a quirky book in the Old Testament – Ecclesiastes.
Know the The Object of the Game
It’s pretty basic . . . If you lose the object of the game – you lose the game.
So what is the Object of your game? Are you on the “Solomon Plan”: Chasing – Power, Pleasure, Prestige? God’s game plan is much simpler and takes you to a higher level . . . Glorify Him!
Isaiah 43:7 (Living) All who claim me as their God will come, for I have made them for my glory; I created them.
You were created for God’s glory. Your life already has meaning. Everything about you is significant. Your hopes and dreams, your scars and hurts, the problems and difficulties you face each day – God can use for His glory.
Three ways you can glorify God (in case you forget):
1. We Glorify God by allowing Him to change us continually.
2. We glorify God by doing good in an evil world.
3. You glorify God by living for Him in spite of terrible circumstances.
Get on God’s Game Plan. Hope to see you each week of the series.