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This world is full of people who are lost, hurting, and afraid and we are called to be seed planters in the mission of Christ. You can impact someone’s life this very moment by sharing Tim Hatch Live site or one of our episodes on your social media pages. You never know who needs a word from the Lord today!


“Your prayers encourage and support this ministry as well as open listeners’ hearts to the Gospel and God’s plan for their lives.

  • Pray for the Lord to reveal the Scriptural teachings to the pastor as he studies (2 Tim 3:16)
  • Pray for the Holy Spirit to empower the pastor to speak with boldness and clarity (Eph 6:19)
  • Pray for God to open the hearts of His people to His Word that they may think biblically and live empowered (Rom 12:2)
  • Pray for the Word of the Lord to continue to spread rapidly throughout the world beyond our imaginings, that He may be glorified (2 Thess 3:1)


Change lives with the only message that saves! By partnering with Tim Hatch Live you are helping send the hope of the Gospel and biblical teaching throughout the world, changing lives not just in the present but creating a legacy of faith for future generations.

Your generous gifts will be used to support the ministry of Tim Hatch Live, enabling us to better serve and increase the listening audience by providing funds for broadcast subscription services and equipment maintenance or upgrades that make the simulcast possible.