This past weekend, I shared passionately about bringing the Tithe. I’m passionate about this issue because I know the blessing that awaits those who practice bringing God the FIRST of their increase (Proverbs 3:9-10).
Faithful as ever, God is already doing great things in the lives of people who responded to the message yesterday. I heard about one lady in second service Sunday. After the service, convicted by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God, she dropped in her tithe check and THAT VERY DAY (yesterday) she got a check for $5,000.00 from her former employer.
I guess we won’t be refunding that tithe offering!
Anyway, I just wanted the blog readers to hear this first. May it encourage and challenge you to follow her example and trust God’s Word. I want you to be confident that God loves you and wants what is best for you.
I don’t want this testimony to make you think tithing is some kind of “get rich” scheme whereby you give $10 and God sends you $100. It’s a principle for your heart! It’s not about what you get back, it’s about what happens within your heart. AND it is especially about HONORING GOD.
Be Blessed as you Bring it!
Pastor Tim