Facebook Wants Your Children, Tax The Rich Except For… The Rich, & The Rise of Political Cults in America

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Today we talk about the rise of new occultism, tax the rich but not the dress-maker, masks for thee and not for me, and Facebook wants your children—that’s a fact!

Deep End Commentary: There is a rise of cultish behavior.  America is becoming a land of very strong cults. Since WWII over 800 religions have started in this Country. Now in the 21st Century we are experiencing the rise of new cults.

However, when we exalt a human being to god-like status, we are going to cost ourselves, our culture, and our children greatly. With Christian faith and Biblical Truth sorely lacking in the minds of many Americans, we have begun to turn to all types of “messiah-like” figures for hope– a hope that Jesus Christ alone can give.

In addition to the cults of politicians and the celebrities, we now the cults of corporate power players and even science. They are all playing for the same team to take your rights away, to sell you their product, and to make money off of you without concern for your health or well-being. There is no greater evidence of this than the social media giant:  Facebook.

Facebook was told this past week with clear scientific evidence that their platform, Instagram, is harmful to the self-image of younger people—particularly young girls. Yet, Facebook doesn’t care. There is hope to break free from the cultish mindset and parent our children in a happier and healthier ways so that they grow up strong and mighty in the Lord. That hope is found in the Holy Spirit.

When the Holy Spirit Comes into our lives, He provides social networking that social media cannot compete with.  It is social networking with God the Father Himself, the Body of Christ, and the Truth of the Word of God. The Holy Spirit is the connection who breaks us free from the cults of this age.


Episode Segments:

  • The Rise of Cultish Behavior [3:55]
  • The Cult of Politics [10:00]
  • The Cult of Social Media [24:10]
  • Breaking Free from the Cults [48:26]


Key Verse:

Matthew 5:29-30 If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell.  And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.


Theme: Break free from the cults: WE NEED THE HOLY SPIRIT


Scriptures Studied:  Matthew 5:29-30; Matthew 7:21-23; John 16:13; John 6:27-29


Topics to Note:

5 Signs of a Cult:

  1. A human leader is exalted to “God-like” status.
  2. Followers blindly follow the leader.
  3. Hope for a “world made right” is placed upon that leader.
  4. That leader does not have to follow the rules.
  5. Eventually the leader is gone and people find another leader.


New Church Guidelines for Worship:

  1. To be clear if you know who Jesus Christ is, if you know who He is, I don’t care where you are, you’re going to get up and start dancing and singing.
  2. You can’t think about a mask when Jesus Christ is in the room.
  3. When the Spirit moves you and you’re worshiping Divine Royalty, you don’t look for where your mask is. you just gonna let the Spirit move!


5 Suggestions to Help Young People with Social Media

  1. Ground yourself in Biblical Truth.
  2. Form your own opinions and do your own research.
  3. Find a Christ-centered community of real people.
  4. Social Media is not your supporter of friend; focus on the people and family who really care about you.
  5. Find a hobby and make something of yourself.


Recognize the Following:

  1. When the Holy Spirit Comes into our lives, He provides a social networking that social media cannot compete with.  It is social networking with God the Father Himself, the Body of Christ, and the Truth of the Word of God.
  2. The Holy Spirit is the connection.  The One who breaks us free from the cults of this age.
  3. You must come out of the cults to understand the Gospel completely.
  4. There is a growing population of professing Christians who don’t believe in the person-hood of the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit can become a symbol, then the most powerful person can become our spiritual guru.  That’s wrong!  The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity.


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New Offerings:

  • 🆕 10 Questions with Tim first Thursdays at noon. Send your questions to ask@timhatchlive.com or post your question in the comments below.
  • 🆕  Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at ask@timhatchlive.com or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]



2021, The Deep End
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