About This Project

This is an important message for today’s Christian— and IF YOU HAVE A DAUGHTER, a must-watch… ➕ a powerful testimony of hope and God’s miraculous healing and grace!

The Enemy of our girl’s souls is out to get them and lead them into a false idealogy: Rapid Gender Dysphoria. What a culture celebrates will get repeated. If we celebrate the ideas of the LGBT movement, we will see an increase in not just the acceptance but the experience of the lifestyle—by people who are looking to be filled by things that only God can provide.

We’ve got to have Biblical wisdom now more than ever before. We have a Biblical OBLIGATION to weigh everything we hear and we must rely on the Spirit to give us wisdom and clarity… and NEVER EVER just blindly follow the “science”, the “loudest voices”, or the “cult of sexuality”.

“What is God’s desire for the homosexual and transgender?” The same as for everyone else: to save them, to redeem them, to bring them back to Himself. The Christian movement does not exist to make homosexuals into heterosexuals; it exists to bring all people to Jesus who then changes them from the inside out. 💯💯

It has never been more important to invite people into the community of faith. Invite them to church. Tell them your story. And, most important pray for them!


New Segment: “Ten Questions with Tim” begins June 24th at Noon ➡️  Send your questions to info@timhatchlive.com


Key Verse:

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

~1 Corinthians 6:9–11 (ESV)


Theme:  How to Survive a Subversive Civil Revolution


Scriptures Studied:  1 John 4:1; 2 Samuel 15; Romans 1:21-28; 2 Samuel 16:23; John 10:2-5; John 10:14-16; 2 Samuel 16; Acts 20:22-24; Hebrews 12:6-12;


Further Study:



  • David’s represents Parents; Joab represents the Government, and Absalom represents the wayward child.
  • Ahithophel is the authoritative voice that promises you the truth and then takes control of the culture.


Points to Note:

Reminder, the story of Saul & David is Our Story:

  • Saul: [Kingdoms of this world] Self-Centered, Demanding, Disobedient to God, Seeks His Own Glory
  • David: [Kingdom of God]  Other-Centered, Giving/Self-Sacrificing, Obedient to God, Seeks the Glory of God


Kingdom of Saul | Self-Absorbed and Insecure | Passing Away

  • Every moment is about himself
  • Everyone is suspect
  • Everyone is a threat
  • Willing to kill for his kingdom
  • Estranged from everyone he loved
  • On the road to self-destruction


Kingdom of David | Self-Less & Dependent on God | Arriving

  • Wounded by the Lord
  • Made useful to those wounded in the world
  • Contrite, Compassionate, and Hungry for God
  • Made ready to serve others


Lisa Littman’s Findings
• Over 80% of them were females, with a mean age of 16.4 years.
• The vast majority had had zero indicators of childhood gender dysphoria
• Nearly half (47.4%) had been formally assessed as academically gifted.
• Nearly 70% of the teenagers belonged to a peer group in which at least one friend had also come out as transgender.
• Over 65% of teens had increased their social media use and time spent online immediately prior to their announcement of transgender identity.
• 60% said the announcement brought a popularity boost.
• Over 90% of the parents surveyed were white.
• Over 85% of parents reported supporting gay marriage.
• 88% of parents surveyed reported being supportive of transgender rights.


Episode Points:



  • We have a Biblical OBLIGATION to weigh everything we hear and we must rely on the Spirit to give us wisdom and clarity… and NEVER EVER just blindly follow the “science”/“loudest voices”
  • “What is God’s desire for the homosexual and transgender?” 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
  • By elevating their distinctions and differences and magnifying their complaints – Absalom DIVIDED the country
  • The true followers of King JESUS will follow the KING, not the COUNTRY.
  • “This may be God’s discipline. And if so, let me receive it. For I need it and will grow from it.”


God’s Plan in Times of Pressure:

  1. Don’t be surprised that the world presses you. (Rom. 12:1-2)
  2. Listen to the voice of your shepherd (it’s the only one that matters and makes sense).
  3. Ignore the noise of the nay-sayers and haters.
  4. Surrender yourself to the discipline and plan of God.


Recognize the Following:

  • What a culture celebrates will get repeated.
  • They are coming for our kids. There is no end to the intolerance by the progressive secularists regarding your rights as a mother or father.
  • When we are stressed and hard-pressed – the answer is surrender.


Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you in community with fellow believers?
  2. Are you going to follow the Country or King Jesus?
  3. Do you recognize that if you are in Christ, that your salvation means that you will not follow the secular voices of the world?
  4. What is your response when you are attacked?
  5. Are you able to fully surrender yourself to God, His discipline, and His plan?
  6. Who are you praying for, witnessing to, or inviting to church this week?


Pastor Tim Recommends ⬇️⬇️⬇️:


Further Consideration:


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at ask@thedeepend.tv or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]


2021, The Deep End
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