Part 16 | Romans 8:1-11 – The Battle of the Mind

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✳️ How would you live if you knew you could not fail?

✳️ How would you live if you knew you had limitless power?

✳️ How would you live if you knew that God never leaves you?


Most of our troubles are due to our failure to realize the truth and meaning of Romans 8. It’s a battle of the mind.

Sin, NOT the believer is CONDEMNED in Christ’s death.

What does Romans 8 mean? LET GO of CONDEMNATION! We are FREED FOREVER: from the GUILT of SIN, the powerlessness of self, and the emptiness of life without God. ULTIMATELY, Inevitably, VICTORY IS OURS! 💯💯


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“One ship drives east and another drives west

With the selfsame winds that blow.

Tis the set of the sails

And not the gales

Which tells us the way to go.

Like the winds of the seas are the ways of fate,

As we voyage along through the life:

Tis the set of a soul

That decides its goal,

And not the calm or the strife. ”

– Ella Wheeler Wilcox


Scriptures Studied: Romans 8; 1 Corinthians 2:14; Jeremiah 31:31-34; Luke 22:20; John 20:21-22; Ezekiel 36:24-27; 2 Peter 1:3-4


“It follows that if condemnation as an objective reality has been removed, there is no legitimate place for condemnation as a subjective experience. To insist on feeling guilty is but another way of insisting on helping God with our salvation. How deeply imbedded in human nature is the influence of works-righteousness.” – Robert H. Mounce


Points to Note:

  • Spiritual Maturity: Is not an awareness that we are getting good but rather a humbling awareness that we are far more sinful than we realize and we need more of Jesus and the Holy Spirit every single day.
  • What “Spirit” things should we DWELL upon as Believers? The Holy Spirt.  He provides the assurance of justification, the power and desire to obey, and the indwelling resurrection!
  • We are FREED FOREVER: from the GUILT of SIN, the powerlessness of self, and the emptiness of life without God.


The Holy Spirit Provides:

  1. Assurance of JUSTIFICATION.
  2. POWER and DESIRE to Obey.
  3. Indwelling RESURRECTION.



  1. Self Condemnation. (“I can’t forgive myself”)
  2. Archeological Condemnation. (“Look at what I did in the past”)
  3. Demonic Condemnation. (“You are worthless and helpless… etc.”)


In your fight with sin:

  1. You have freedom from guilt and shame.
  2. You have the power of God, the Holy Spirit available.
  3. You have fullness.
  4. You have a guarantee of victory.


Romans 8 OUTLINE:

  1. Romans 8:1–11 | The victorious life made possible in the Spirit.
  2. Romans 8:12–17 | Our status as adopted children of God and heirs with Christ.
  3. Romans 8:18–30 | The new hope (through groaning) that will lead to final glory.
  4. Romans 8:31–39 | The absolute certainty of our security in God and unity with Christ.




Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:
  • 🎙 The Deep End is a weekly live podcast diving deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in so we can live life with more meaning and less freaking out. Live on Tuesday nights at 7:30 EST or on your favorite podcast app anytime.
  • 📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible devotional study to help refocus your week and purpose as a child of God. The book of Romans, live on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 EST.
  • ❓ 10 Questions with Tim is a question and answer segment that provides theological answers to the real struggles all Christians face. Live First Thursdays at Noon EST.


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at ask@timhatchlive.comor text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!)


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Deep Dive Bible Study, Romans
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