About This Project

Have you been to the Beyonce Church Mass yet?
How about reciting the Sparkle Creed?

Friends, there is an active campaign to dumb down the Church and I’m going to expose it.
Feel like your denomination is safe?
On this podcast I’ll reveal brand new study results showing what Evangelicals—professing Christians, really believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirt, the Bible, and social issues like LGBT and gender.

The two-tiered justice system is a real thing!
If you protest abortion, you get ten years in prison.
If you protest oil usage– you know the thing that actually helps people live, you get a slap on the wrist.
I’ll show you with receipts.

And, Apple reminds the world why we desperately need religious faith. Because, if we don’t have a real one we’ll find a stupid one.



This channel is dedicated to helping Christians remember they AREN’T FREAKING CRAZY!


✅ Be part of sharing The Truth! https://timhatchlive.com/support/ OR on the Cash App with cashtag: $timhatchlive

✳20% of all giving will be tithed back out to The American Bible Society and Project Rescue.


✳ Timhatchlive is on RUMBLE:  timhatchlive.com/rumble


Start [0:00]
▶ Which activists get the most jail time pro-life or environmental protestors? [1:52]
▶ Which activists get the most jail time January 6 or BLM Black Lives Matter rioters?? [6:40]
▶ How can Christians win? [9:00]
▶ What does it mean when The Salt Loses Its Saltiness? [11:16]
▶ Is there a campaign to dumb down the Lord’s Church? [13:03]
▶ Pastor reacts to Lutheran church Beyonce Mass [13:19]
▶ Pastor reacts to Lutheran church Sparkle Creed Mass [16:38]
▶ What should you do if your church appoints a female pastor? [19:06]
▶ Is the Evangelical Church dying? [22:00]
▶ Revealed the theological beliefs of Evangelicals in 2023? [22:50]
▶ How to write sermons to preach using AI ChatGPT? [24:30]
▶ Pastor reveals how he writes sermons [25:30]
▶ Can you trust AI ChaptGPT? [27:50]
▶ Pastor reveals how he uses AI ChatGPT [28:55]
▶ Acts 29 on the LGBT and the Church [29:50]
▶ Mayor of Burbank California gets spanked by Drag Queen [38:38]
▶ Member of Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence charged with masturbation in the park [41:15]
▶ MN Museum hosts Family Friendly Demon Summoning Event [43:15]
▶ Oak Park High School names boy as Home Coming Queen for second time [46:20]
▶ How did parents get a LGBT Satanic Witchcraft Mural removed from school? [47:48]
▶ How did Apple prove that the world needs religion? [50:25]
▶ Pastor reacts to Donald Trump’s stance on abortion interview [54:25]
▶ Pastor proves the right stance on abortion for Christians [57:28]


Matthew 5:13 (ESV) You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.

Jeremiah 2:4-5 (ESV) Hear the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, and all the clans of the house of Israel. 5 Thus says the Lord: “What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless?


“We shall soon be in a world in which a man may be howled down for saying that two and two make four, in which furious party cries will be raised against anybody who says that cows have horns, in which people will persecute the heresy of calling a triangle a three-sided figure, and hang a man for maddening mob with the news that grass is green.”

― G.K. Chesterton



Points to Note:

The dumbing-down Of the Lord’s church

  • ‣ 56% Jesus isn’t the only way to God
  • ‣ 73% Jesus was created by God
  • ‣ 43% Jesus is not God
  • ‣ 60% The Holy Spirit is not a personal being
  • ‣ 57% Humans aren’t sinful by nature
  • ‣ 26% agree that Scripture “is not literally true but contains helpful account of ancient myths,”
  • ‣ 38% agree that Religious belief is a matter of personal opinion; it is not about objective truth.
  • ‣ 37% Gender identity is a matter of choice
  • ‣ 28% Homosexual scriptures do not apply today


Pastoral Thoughts:

  • You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste (Greek: “moranthe”), how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.
  • If a church seeks to entertain instead of disciple – it will fill God’s pasture with goats instead of sheep!
  • Dear American Church: Don’t let the world dumb you down. You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost it’s taste how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out   and trampled under people’s feet.
  • Religion is baked into the human heart. We are made to worship. If we do not worship the true god, we worship anything made by god.
  • The climate “crisis” is a religious movement wherein your devotion is exhibited in your offerings and penance to MOTHER NATURE!


Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you being swayed by culture?
  2. Do you believe the Bible is inerrant and inspired?
  3. Are you reading and studying the Scriptures every day?
  4. Are you regularly attending a Gospel preaching Bible-believing church?
  5. Are you serving in and giving to the mission of the Gospel in your local church?
  6. Are you regularly practicing prayer and fasting and asking the Lord to pour out His Spirit one more time?



⬇️⬇️⬇️ News Links ⬇️⬇️⬇️  

  1. Pro-Life Activists Convicted For Protest At Abortion Clinic, Facing Over 10 Years In Prison Https://Redstate.Com/Jeffc/2023/09/16/Pro-Life-Activists-Convicted-For-Protest-At-Abortion-Clinic-Facing-Over-10-Years-In-Prison-N2163900
  2. Kiwi Climate Activist Given ‘Draconian’ Prison Sentence In UK Https://Www.Rnz.Co.Nz/News/National/488871/Kiwi-Climate-Activist-Given-Draconian-Prison-Sentence-In-Uk
  3. US Eco-Activist Jailed For Two Years Https://Www.Theguardian.Com/World/2011/Jul/27/Tim-Dechristopher-Jailed-Two-Years
  4. Four Climate Activists Convicted Of Causing Public Nuisance, But No Jail Term Https://Www.Theguardian.Com/Environment/2023/Mar/31/Four-Climate-Activists-Convicted-Of-Causing-Public-Nuisance-But-No-Jail-Term#:~:Text=Four%20climate%20activists%20convicted%20of%20causing%20public%20nuisance%2C%20but%20no%20jail%20term,-
  5. Activist Gets Two Months For Blocking DC Beltway During Protest
  6. Https://Www.Thewellnews.Com/Climate/Activist-Gets-Two-Months-For-Blocking-D-C-Beltway-During-Protest/
  7. Lutheran Seminary Hosts ‘Beyoncé Mass.’ Yes, It’s Exactly What It Sounds Like Https://Protestia.Com/2023/09/14/Lutheran-Seminary-Hosts-Beyonce-Mass-Yes-Its-Exactly-What-It-Sounds-Like/
  8. A New Interpretation Of Faith: The Story Behind The LGBTQ+-Inclusive ‘Sparkle Creed’ Https://Religionunplugged.Com/News/2023/7/20/A-New-Interpretation-Of-Faith-The-Story-Behind-The-Lgbtq-Inclusive-Sparkle-Creed
  9. Will The ELCA Be Gone In 30 Years? Https://Faithlead.Org/Blog/Decline/
  10. Burbank Mayor Konstantine Anthony Fires Back After Drag Queen Spanking Video Prompts ‘Vile Hate Speech’ Https://Www.Dailymail.Co.Uk/News/Article-12515519/Burbank-Mayor-Konstantine-Anthony-Spanking-Video-Fun.Html
  11. Family Friendly Demon SummoningHttps://Walkerart.Org/Calendar/2023/Free-First-Saturday-Plant-Teachers
  12.  Andy Stanley Protégé Clay Scroggins Promotes Chatgpt Sermon Production
  13. Https://Protestia.Com/2023/09/11/Andy-Stanley-Protege-Clay-Scroggins-Promotes-Chatgpt-Sermon-Production/
  14. Chatgpt Is Still Bleeding Users Https://Gizmodo.Com/Chatgpt-Sees-User-Decline-In-August-Back-To-School-1850817405
  15. Acts 29 Network Talking Heads Pummeled For Squishy LGBTQ Response Https://Protestia.Com/2023/09/07/Acts-29-Network-Head-Taken-To-Task-For-Squishy-Lgbtq-Response/
  16. Walking With Jesus Among Our LGBTQIA+ Friends Https://Www.Acts29.Com/Walking-With-Jesus-Among-Our-Beloved-Lgbtqia-Friends/?Fbclid=Iwar3liigbiw3tkzsujoko_Vlwoxcwijwo1r1r1aq-Lr6wjw6vHWnKlwOGArY
  17. Sisters Of Perpetual Indulgence Chapter Apologizes After Member Charged With Masturbating In A Park. Https://Www.Washingtontimes.Com/News/2023/Sep/14/Sisters-Perpetual-Indulgence-Chapter-Apologizes-Af/
  18. Kansas City High School Crowns Its Second Male Homecoming Queen Https://Www.Outkick.Com/Kansas-City-High-School-Crowns-Its-Second-Male-HomecomingQueen/#:~:Text=The%20answer%20is%20Oak%20Park,Better%20and%20prettier%20than%20girls.&Text=%E2%80%9Cthank%20you%20so%20much%20oak%20park.
  19. Student’s LGBTQ Mural Must Be Removed From Michigan School, Board Says Https://Districtadministration.Com/Students-Lgbtq-Mural-Must-Be-Removed-From-Michigan-School-Board-Says/#:~:Text=An%20LGBTQ%2Dinclusive%20student%20mural,Promoted%20LGBTQ%20imagery%20and%20witchcraft.
  20. I Can’t Stop Thinking About How Awkward Apple’s ‘Mother Nature’ Ad Was, And I Finally Figured Out Why Https://Www.Inc.Com/Jason-Aten/I-Cant-Stop-Thinking-About-How-Awkward-Apples-Mother-Nature-Ad-Was-I-Finally-Figured-Out-Why.Html
  21. ‘Disturbing’ And ‘Inarticulate’: Pro-Life Leaders React To Trump’s Abortion Comments Https://Washingtonstand.Com/News/Disturbing-And-Inarticulate-Prolife-Leaders-React-To-Trumps-Abortion-Comments




Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:

🎙 The Deep End is a weekly live podcast diving deeper into Faith, Politics, the Bible, and the world we live in
📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible study on Romans
❓ 10 Questions with Tim live Q&A segment with theological answers to the real struggles
👉 “Ask Us Anything” Text 508-316-9333 or email ask@timhatchlive.com 😊


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2023, The Deep End
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