About This Project

Are there really generational sins?
What are signs of sanctification?

And, how many stone tablets did Moses come down off the mountain with? Are our depictions of the two stone tablets with commandments correct?

Which commandments are about our relationship to God?
Which commandments are about our relationship to one another?

Today we are going through Commandments 1 – 4.
We are going to dispel some myths, dig in to the historical research being done on ancient covenants, and prepare to hear what exactly God says.

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✳20% of all giving will be tithed back out to The American Bible Society and Project Rescue.


Start [0:00]
▶ What is commandment #1 in the Bible? [3:50]
▶ What does it mean that you shall have no other gods before Me? [3:55]
▶ Is there only one God? [5:15]
▶ What is commandment #2 in the Bible? [13:00]
▶ What does it mean you shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath? [13:25]
▶ What does idolatry do? [16:52]
▶ Do my good works save me? [18:44]
▶ Does God punish the children of sinful or bad people? [24:00]
▶ What is legislative justice? [24:40]
▶ What is commandment #3 in the Bible? [35:25]
▶ What is commandment #4 in the Bible? [42:17]


⬇️ Tim Hatch Live ⬇️

🎙 The Deep End dives deeper into Faith, Politics, Bible, & the world, Tues 7:30p & on your favorite podcast app

📖 Deep Dive Bible Study Kings of Compromise, Weds 7:30p

❓10 Questions with Tim, Q&A segment providing answers, LIVE 1st Thurs, Noon

👉 Ask Anything email ask@timhatchlive.com


Deep Dive Bible Study, Torah
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