About This Project

You are being programmed by a certain select few powerful people in the world who want to shape you into who they want you to be. Science has become a religious institution and when science becomes a religion, it becomes a religion you can’t question. However, we have a Biblical OBLIGATION to weigh everything we hear and we must rely on the Spirit to give us wisdom and clarity… and NEVER EVER just blindly follow the “science”.

How is this programming made possible? Through the implicit bias of the three main prophets of new-age religious faith:  Facebook, Google, and Twitter. They are actively pastoring you into the religion of selective science through technology like Machine Learning Fairness.  MLF is a predictive search technology that promotes itself as being unbiased when in fact it is very selective in what information it filters and displays for you.

This technology filtering is also being utilized in the Israel and Palestine conflict by only telling a portion of the story. Woe to the nation where Anti-Semitism is on the rise.  As Christians, we stand for peace and are commanded to pray for the Jewish people (God’s chosen) to have peace but at the same time, we stand with Israel as supporters based in Biblical values.  We do not instigate or celebrate or promote war nor want the Palestinians to be mistreated or have Israel misrepresent the heart of God. We are also against all acts of terrorism promoted by Hamas in the region and their political propaganda machine which purposely puts civilians in harm’s way.  We must support justice and righteousness and hold Israel accountable when necessary just as Jesus did when He called out the leaders of His day.  We must do our own research for the truth and not let the prophets of today control our thinking.  Blind allegiance to any government is a disaster for the testimony of the Church.

Lastly, we discuss apathy in parenting and its results.  Families are struggling and 43% of millennials say don’t believe in God.  If you tolerate sin in your own life you will be disabled in your parenting. Parents must let their pasts go, test the spirits of the age, and parent with biblical authority. If you’ve made mistakes God’s not done.  Get in the Word and take responsibility. God can turn absolute disasters around to become beautiful whole healthy families. The best is yet to come!


Key Verse: 1 John 4:1 (ESV)

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.


Theme:  Apathy Toward Sin In Your Life Will Lead To Apathy Toward Sin In Your Family’s Life


Scriptures Studied:  1 John 4:1; 2 Samuel 12; 2 Samuel 13; Leviticus 18:9; Colossians 3:21; Proverbs 22:15; Proverbs 12:15; Proverbs 4:1-2; 1 Timothy 5:20; Matthew 18:16; 1 Corinthians 2:15; Genesis 3:6


Further Study:


Points to Note:

Reminder, the story of Saul & David is Our Story:

  • Saul: [Kingdoms of this world] Self-Centered, Demanding, Disobedient to God, Seeks His Own Glory
  • David: [Kingdom of God]  Other-Centered, Giving/Self-Sacrificing, Obedient to God, Seeks the Glory of God


Kingdom of Saul | Self-Absorbed and Insecure | Passing Away

  • Every moment is about himself
  • Everyone is suspect
  • Everyone is a threat
  • Willing to kill for his kingdom
  • Estranged from everyone he loved
  • On the road to self-destruction


Kingdom of David | Self-Less & Dependent on God | Arriving

  • Wounded by the Lord
  • Made useful to those wounded in the world
  • Contrite, Compassionate, and Hungry for God
  • Made ready to serve others


Episode Points:


  1. Warnings Of Consequences.
  2. Hope For God’s Healing/Redemption



  1. He Focused On Her.
  2. Became Tormented & Ill (Consumed).
  3. Bad Company
  4. He Conspired/Planned.
  5. He Gets Alone With Her


PARENTS: TRUTH> Apathy Toward Sin In Your Life Will Lead To Apathy Toward Sin In Your Family’s Life.



  1. Commitment to the ASSEMBLY (Hebrews 10:25).
  2. Commitment to DISCERNMENT of the times (1 John 4:1).
  3. Commitment to SELF FEEDING on God’s Word (Matthew 4:4).
  4. Commitment to GIVING/SERVING the Gospel (Hebrews 13).
  5. Commitment to DISCIPLINE/INSTRUCT of your kids (Eph. 6:4/Prov 22:15)
  6. Commitment to REPENTANCE/CONFESSION (1 John 1:8-9).
  7. Commitment to GRACE/MERCY for others (Matthew 5:7)


Recognize the Following:

  • We have a Biblical OBLIGATION to weigh everything we hear and we must rely on the Spirit to give us wisdom and clarity… and NEVER EVER just blindly follow the “science”
  • MLF: MACHINE LEARNING FAIRNESS, BY GOOGLE is not actually fair.  Built into Google search results is actually biased.
  • Blind allegiance to any government is a disaster for the testimony of the Church.
  • In the Christian church, there is still this idea to side one way or another in support regarding Israel or their enemies.  However, we must pray for their peace and that they uphold their Biblical values because their Biblical values are our Biblical values.
  • We are called to judge the actions of unrepented believers.  We must biblically call out sin.
  • When it comes to the sins in those who repent, let God do the judging, you do the loving.
  • God does not always remove the consequences of our sins.
  • It’s Never Just Sex–the moment Amnon slept with Tamar, his heart changed.  Without marriage underlining the sexual relationship, the man’s heart toward the woman will never be right.


Questions to Consider:

  1. Have you researched the Israel-Palestine conflict?  Do you see injustice on both sides?
  2. Have you gotten your kids back into sports quicker than back into church? How often are you attending church?
  3. Have you been able to love repentant believers?
  4. Have you been able to forgive yourself and put your past behind you so you can properly parent?


Further Consideration:


Pastor Tim Recommends:


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at ask@thedeepend.tv or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]


2021, The Deep End
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