Freedom Is Racist, What College Is Actually Teaching and Department of Energy’s New Hired Drag Queen.

About This Project

Aaaaaand we’re here. Where are we? A place where people who like sex with animals get very secure jobs at the federal government level.

The Department of Energy has hired a drag queen. Does lifestyle disqualify you from a post in the federal government?

Before you automatically say ‘yes’, you need to understand WHY the answer SHOULD BE ‘YES’.

Aaaaaand what’s going on in Canada with the Freedom Convoy truckers should alarm and awaken every freedom loving citizen in both Canada 🇨🇦 and America 🇺🇸. Freedom is under assault right now.

Freedom has now been deemed a key component of White Supremacy. Standing for freedom is now racist.

The truth is when people don’t have an argument, they use force. When they can’t persuade, they bully. They claim racism. 💯💯

It’s a dog whistle. Stop buying it.


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We are talking about how Christians should approach culture through the lens of Scripture.  Culture is always changing, it’s always becoming more and more crazy. Remember the root word of “culture” is “cult” so there is some cultishness happening in society at every moment. A cult just has to do with what you celebrate—what you worship, what you make important. Christians worship the Most High God.  In order to worship the Most High God, we have to identify and eliminate every other god. We have to identify the false gods so we can worship the True God and make a difference in a world that is lost and worshiping all these other gods.



Episode Segments:

Start 0.00
▶ Department of Energy’s New Hired Drag Queen [3:20]
▶ Freedom is Racist [9:12]
▶ Black Lives Matter Missing Billions [17:48]
▶ What college is actually teaching [26:30]
▶ The Conversation Being Young and Christian in a Contemporary Babylon: Women’s Studies Classes [36:25]



Ephesians 5:11 “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.”


Scriptures Studied: Ephesians 5:11, 1 Timothy 5:24-25, 2 Timothy 1:7


Recognize the Following: 

  • If you are on the side of the cultural elites whether it’s with your sexual lifestyle or proclivities or your beliefs about abortion or climate change, you get a cultural pass to do whatever you want in the public sphere.  Force your views on others.  Stir up arguments and dissention in others. Not only will you get a pass, you’ll get promoted and preferential treatment. If you are not on their side, you get vilified and demonized as a racist.
  • People don’t want to hear the truth when they’re married to the lies. There’s not many Christians that are married to the lies, but they’re dating them. We are in a battle every single day over the Truth. “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” (Eph 5:11) This is worth fighting for. If we fight, victory might be ahead!

    What to do:
    1. Call the schools
    2. Go to the meetings
    3. Talk to neighbors.
    4. Share this show.
    5. Vote in Local Elections.

    Many more agree with you than you think!



News Links:

  1. New Biden Department Of Energy Hire Is Drag Queen Who Brags About Having Sex With Animals 
  2.  Another clown for the circus? Biden Dept. of Energy pick bragged about having sex with “animals”
  3.  Sam Brinton & Moral Foundations Theory 
  4.  #BlackfaceHitler Trends as Justin Trudeau’s Government Cracks Down on Truckers 
  5. Penn Ph.D. candidate argues ‘freedom’ is a ‘key component of White supremacy’
  6.  The Ottawa trucker convoy is rooted in Canada’s settler colonial history 
  7.  Black Lives Matter’s missing billions
  8.  Amazon suspends Black Lives Matter from its charity platform
  9.  New critical race theory laws have teachers scared, confused and self-censoring 
  10. From slavery to socialism, new legislation restricts what teachers can discuss
  11. San Francisco voters recall three school board members after year of intense controversy 


New Offerings:

  • 🆕 10 Questions with Tim first Thursdays at noon. Send your questions to or post your question in the comments below.
  • 🆕  Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]



2022, The Deep End
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