About This Project
Today we look at the irrational relationship between the Church and the World. The world is not your friend dear Christian—stop acting like it is!
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 19:1
“Saul spoke to Jonathan his son and to all his servants, that they should kill David.”
Theme: Thriving in a world at odds with your faith
Scriptures Studied:
1 Samuel 19; 1 Samuel 18:30; John 8:44; John 10:10; 2 Corinthians 4:4; 1 Samuel 18:22; James 4:4; Matthew 24:12; John 15:18–19; 1 John 3:1; John 17:16; Hebrews 4:12; John 12:25; Matthew 10:38; 1 John 3:13; 1 Peter 2:9; Matthew 6:1; Romans 1:18-32; Psalm 59; James 1:8; Psalm 84:8; Psalm 91:1;
Strong’s Concordance:
Biblical Examples of Exiles:
Points to Note:
Reminder, the story of Saul & David is Our Story:
- Saul : [Kingdoms of this world] Self-Centered, Demanding, Disobedient to God, Seeks His Own Glory
- David: [Kingdom of God] Other-Centered, Giving/Self-Sacrificing, Obedient to God, Seeks the Glory of God
Episode Points:
- Christian, the world is full of lies. Do not be deceived.
- God’s preparation does not happen in the palaces of men but in the wilderness of exile.
- Trials don’t test character, trials reveal character.
- We need the TRUTH and the Presence of God.
Recognize the Following Examples:
- Michal: [Worldy Christians] David’s first wife is a picture of worldly Christians who at times show great affection for the LORD and then when things get tough, they bail… acquiescing to the pattern of this world.
- Saul on his throne with a spear in his hand: [the World] The spirit of the world is always looking for an opportunity to destroy an unsuspecting Christian
- Saul’s Prophecy: [Warning] Our spiritual (ecstatic) experiences are not the sign of our salvation
- Symbolism in 1 Samuel 19:18:
- Naioth= habitations or the place where God dwells
- Samuel = God’s Word
- David= Jesus
- The world hates you, but it cannot defeat you when you surround yourself with God’s Presence and receive His Word
Questions to Consider:
- Why does the world hate the Church?
- How do we stand strong when we are surrounded by irrational animosity from the world?
- How have the trials you’ve gone through revealed your character?
- Which side are you trending towards in your life?
- What has “speared” you in your life?
- Do you hunger and desire the presence of God?
Further Consideration:
- Weekend worship is important because it takes us out of the world and into worshiping and receiving the Word of God. If you do not have a home church, we invite you to join with us this weekend at a Waters Church campus near you: (1) in person@ https://waterschurch.org/locations or (2) online @waterschurch.tv
- Life wasn’t meant to be done alone! Find your connection: in-person; online; in-action https://waterschurch.org/life-groups/
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