About This Project
There is a sin that often doesn’t get recognized but is dangerous to who we are: the bitter pill of JEALOUSY. In 1 Samuel 18:8-9 we see the spirit of jealousy arise in King Saul in response to David’s victory in battle over Goliath and the Philistines– and it is dangerous.
Key Verse: 1 Samuel 18:8-9
“And Saul was very angry… And Saul eyed David from that day on.”
Theme: The Dangerous Jealous Spirit
Scriptures Studied:
1 Samuel 18; Matthew 26:28; 1 Samuel 13:22; Matthew 16:24; Matthew 16:25; Luke 14:26; Proverbs 27:21 ; 1 Samuel 13:14; James 4:2-3 ; Romans 12:15;Proverbs 23:17-18
Further Study:
- You can read the story of David battling Goliath in 1 Samuel 17
- The story of Cain and Abel can be found in Genesis 4
- You can read the account of God giving Moses the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20
Points to Note:
Reminder from Episode 01:
- Saul : [Kingdoms of this world] Self-Centered, Demanding, Disobedient to God, Seeks His Own Glory
- David: [Kingdom of God] Other-Centered, Giving/Self-Sacrificing, Obedient to God, Seeks the Glory of God
Episode Points:
- Point #1 Jealousy takes over our lives
- Point #2 Jealousy makes it impossible for us to enjoy our lives
- Point #3 Jealousy makes enemies out of partners (and partners out of enemies)
- Point #4 Jealousy leads us to use people we are supposed to love and serve
- Point #5 Jealousy blinds you to the good God is doing in your life because you want someone else’s life!
Recognize the Following:
- Great victories in one person’s life, can stir up jealousy in another person’s life.
- Oftentimes we commit acts of jealousy and do not realize it right away–unlike almost every other sin.
- Christian discipleship is moving away from what people think about you because you come to know what God thinks about you.
- This chapter is asking us to follow the lead of Jonathan: Declare, “Jesus, here is my life. I am laying down my weapons, my identity, my stuff, and I am going to trust You and believe Your Word is True. When You say, “there is a future”, my hope is secure in You!
Questions to Consider:
- Have you ever had a relationship that was once sweet, turn quickly bitter? (because of someone else or yourself)
- How do you respond to the praise of people?
- What do you do when you don’t get praise? Do you get upset or angry or feel like life is not worth living?
- Have you experienced a moment where you or someone else receives praise and it taints the relationship?
- What relationships might be destroyed in your life if you base your value on praise?
- What can’t you enjoy in your life right now because you are worried about what someone else has?
- Are you measuring your life against what someone else has?
Challenge Yourself this week: make a list of all the good things in your life.
Further Consideration:
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