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Tonight we talk about faith in times of darkness as well as “Ask Anything” live questions at the end of the segment.  Have you ever had a “great faith” day followed by a “terrible day”? When you think there is no way out, up, or through; God’s still working His purpose for you.

Some viewer questions we will be discussing:

  • “I was told by a seasoned believer that God is both man and woman–what are your thoughts?”
  • “Do you think Christians should stay away from yoga?”
  • “Are there certain teachings in modern protestant churches that you would consider to be red flags?” 


Key Verse: John 15:19 “If you were of the world, the world would love you as Its own; but because you are not of the world, but I Chose you out of the world, therefore the world Hates you.”


Theme: When you think there is no way out, up, or through; God’s still working His purpose for you.


Scriptures Studied:  1 Samuel 27 ; 1 Samuel 28 ; 1 Samuel 29 ; 1 Corinthians 10:6-12; 1 Samuel 26:24 ; Psalm 54; Leviticus 19:31 ; Deuteronomy 18:10 ; Proverbs 29:1John 15:19


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Points to Note:

Reminder, the story of Saul & David is Our Story:

  • Saul: [Kingdoms of this world] Self-Centered, Demanding, Disobedient to God, Seeks His Own Glory
  • David: [Kingdom of God]  Other-Centered, Giving/Self-Sacrificing, Obedient to God, Seeks the Glory of God


Kingdom of Saul | Self-Absorbed and Insecure | Passing Away

  • Every moment is about himself
  • Everyone is suspect
  • Everyone is a threat
  • Willing to kill for his kingdom
  • Estranged from everyone he loved
  • On the road to self-destruction


Kingdom of David | Self-Less & Dependent on God | Arriving

  • Wounded by the Lord
  • Made useful to those wounded in the world
  • Contrite, Compassionate, and Hungry for God
  • Made ready to serve others



  • David is a picture of Jesus but at times he is also a picture of us as he shows us some things we should not do.
  • Saul is a picture of the unbeliever who rejects God.


Episode Points:

  • When Journalists side with ONE political party you have yourself a REGIME, not a REPUBLIC.
  • When we rebel against God, we eventually rebel against ourselves.
  • TRUTH:  When you think there is no way out, up, or through; God’s still working His purpose for you.
  • We have to push through our dark days.
    1. If you are truly Christ’s, you can NEVER be truly of the world.
    2. God preserves His Saints EVEN through their bad decisions.
    3. The dark nights are TEMPORARY. God ALWAYS provides the dawn.


Recognize the Following:

  1. David is not living right and his sins are increasing the longer he dwells with Israel’s enemies.
  2. Saul has become the product of his own rebellion.
  3. There is a such thing as divination.  The demonic world is alive and active. The devil loves to imitate the spiritual guidance that only God can give you. In regard to medium or occult practices: The living DO NOT SEEK the advice of the dead.
  4. The Lord saves us even from us.


Questions to Consider:

  1. Have you ever had a “great faith” day followed by a “terrible day”?
  2. Have you ever dabbled in any of the occult practices such as horoscopes, tarot card readers, spiritualists, or ouija boards?
  3. Are you messing around with the world, dancing with the Philistines while trying to walk with the Lord?
  4. Do you believe in God’s promises that He is still able to work His purpose through you?


Further Consideration:


Viewer Questions: [You can always send us interesting news articles at ask@thedeepend.tv or text them to 508-316-9333 as well as ask any questions you may have (It’s anonymous!]

Thank you for the many viewer questions tonight!


2021, The Deep End, Season 4
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