S5•E26 | Romans 14 | Can Christians Do X? The Gray Area of Christianity

About This Project

Can a Christin do ___________? Is it ok if a Believer ___________?

Christians do not just live among each other – we AFFECT each other. Our harmony IN the church is a testimony OUTSIDE the church.

Romans 14 “Do not pass judgment on one another”.

“In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; in all things, charity.” – Augustine


How are Christians supposed to navigate Gray Areas? How are Christians supposed to act when they disagree over Gray Areas? What exactly ARE the Gray Areas?

Be careful not to ASSUME that what OFFENDS YOU automatically OFFENDS GOD.


Scriptures Studied: Romans 11:17-36, Matthew 21:43-46, 1 Corinthians 10:12, Ephesians 2:11-13, Romans 1:16-17,



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Episode Segments:
▶ Is it ok for a Christian to X [4:35]

▶ What are the gray areas of the Bible and Christianity [4:35]

▶ What Romans 14 meant [4:30]

▶ What Romans 14 means [33:48]

▶ Why Romans 14 matters [42:25]


Points to Note:

Weak Believers:

  1. Convictions over non-essentials
  2. Person re: issue


Strong Believers:

  1. Liberty over non-essentials
  2. Theological re: issue
  3. Your FREEDOM may have CONSEQUENCES you don’t see


Weak/Strong Believers:

  1. God accepts BOTH
  2. BOTH have responsibility to the other
  3. God desires harmony between them Four


Simple Rules RE: the “Gray”:

  1. If it hurts me – DON’T.
  2. If it hurts my brother or sister – DON’T.
  3. If there’s a question/doubt – DON’T.
  4. If there’s agreement (community/bible) – DO.


Romans 9-11 OUTLINE:

  1. Romans 9 | Israel’s past election.
  2. Romans 10 | Israel’s present rejection.
  3. Romans 11 | Israel’s future restoration.
Tim Hatch Live: 3 Podcasts; 1 Location:
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  • 📖 Deep Dive Bible Study with Tim is a weekly Bible devotional study to help refocus your week and purpose as a child of God. The book of Romans, live on Wednesday evenings at 7:30 EST.
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Deep Dive Bible Study, Romans
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