In this study we are going to see astonishing parallels! The dark times of Israel reflect the dark times of our culture. "Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just; that His justice cannot sleep forever.” - Thomas Jefferson, 1784 The inevitability of every culture is that God is the judge. You can try to PLAY CHURCH but the only person you’re FOOLING is YOU. You can't hide from God.

Why are some people so afraid of you hearing the Truth-- and even more speaking the Truth? It's the one thing we have heard over and over: DEMOCRACY is at STAKE. But you don’t get Democracy without Freedom of Speech. And what does it say when a football commentator is more committed to the Truth than a celebrity pastor? That will lead us to examine if Megachurch Pastor Andy Stanley is denying Scripture and what the woke mob wants to happen to Tony Dungy after he attended the March for Life: #firedungy Plus we discover where gender neutrality leads. Believe it or not it's right back to the patriarchy!

YouTube censorship is here. The media lies to you. Big tech lies to you. And, it's going to get worse. If you want to know where America will be in 5 years, just look at where Europe is now. Two words: THOUGHT POLICE. Also, a Penn State professor tells their students to watch gay porn so they can learn how to be bisexual. I thought sexual orientation was fixed and unchangeable, but I guess maybe I'm living in 2017.

Remember high school when you were constantly dealing with peer pressure? It's 2023 but if you think those days are over, think again! TODAY THE PEER PRESSURE OF THE WORLD COULD COST YOU YOUR LIFE 💯 We discuss the "DIED SUDDENLY" pandemic no one is allowed to talk about. You're being trained to laugh on cue, but it's not a laughing matter when the laugh is on you. And a congressman gets sworn in on a comic book-- but his actions betray a deeper need for justice than only that only Jesus can provide.

I'm about to share with you what the best New Year's resolution is for 2023. It might not feel good, BUT IT WILL DO GREAT THINGS FOR YOUR LIFE!And we discuss the push for perpetual victimhood that's ruining our lives. From the racist history of exercise to the woke mind virus that has infected healthcare. Now more than ever you need to take personal responsibility for you.

What is the purpose and priority of Prayer? What does True worship look like? What is a good prayer? We live in the NOW and NOT YET reality of the Kingdom. In this study, we look at the symbolic meanings of the feasts of Israel and the parts of the Tabernacle. It is going to amaze you! Whenever we come close to God, we come close to Him on His terms-- not ours. The House of God is where God puts His attention and so should we. The House of God is the only thing that is going to Heaven!